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Regardless of your political affiliation, your voting history, or your personal political beliefs, being tuned into local, national, and global politics is incredibly important. Whether you live in an apartment near UT Austin or the white house itself, there’s no disentangling your life from politics, tempting though it may be to try, especially when things feel overwhelming.

But engaging politically doesn’t have to be an all or nothing project. There are lots of little things you can do every day to be more involved in politics and work towards the change you want to see in the world. These tips can help future residents of our apartments near UT Austin find their voice and their power!

Support Get Out The Vote Efforts

Since the right to vote is foundational for so many facets of American politics, making sure you and others are able to exercise that right is an incredible way to get involved. There are lots of ways to support voter registration, voting access, and voting rights. You might choose to donate to an organization like Rock The Vote, volunteer at the polls, arrange transportation to polls for those that need it, or just help your friends, family, and community get registered to vote by sharing information on how to do so.

In an Election Season, Canvas for Your Candidate of Choice

Canvassing might sound like a lot of work, but every little bit can help. Whether you spend the day out in a neighborhood or make cold calls from the comfort of your UT student living, canvassing is proven to help inform and motivate voters who might be on the fence or who don’t have the information they need to make it to the polls.

Support a PAC or Charity You Believe In

Maybe supporting a specific candidate isn’t what you’re after. Maybe you’d prefer to support a particular political goal, like expanding workers’ rights, supporting the environment, or improving our education system. Whatever you’re passionate about, there’s a political action committee (PAC) or charity working to effect change in that area. Or, if there’s not, you could be just the person to start one!

Know Who Your Representatives Are

Voting in great representatives is one thing, but holding them accountable is another. Knowing who your representatives are and how you can contact them empowers you to make a difference. Call for action, educate them on a topic near and dear to you, or ask them to explain their position on an issue. Representatives can’t always get back to each individual email, call, letter, or tweet, but your words will directly inform their perception of the public opinion of the constituents they serve.

Consider Running For Office

It’s never too early to start planning a political career, and young people like you can really make a difference. Whether you have aspirations to be involved in our top levels of government or you’re just looking to get involved in your local community, running for office might be exactly the way to do it.

You don’t have to be the president to participate in governance. School Boards, City Councils, Commissioners Offices, and lots lots more are all filled by folks who run for those offices.

That’s it for our tips on getting politically involved! If you’d like to see any future tips and recommendations from us in the future, make sure you bookmark our blog page for easy access to upcoming posts. Finally, if you don’t want to miss out on special promotions, community updates, and events at our apartments near UT Austin, follow us on Instagram!

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